Free Kindle eBook Giveaway
From September 26-30, 2020, you can get the latest Kindle version of my Fantasy novel, BLACK GROTTO: Book II of the Alban Saga, FREE on Amazon and download it to your Kindle. OR if you have a Kindle reader on your phone or computer, you can sign in to your Amazon account, purchase it for FREE, and it will be sent to your device.
If you don't have a kindle book reader on your phone or computer, simply Google "Kindle Reader App", and you can get one free.
To learn more about BLACK GROTTO: Book II of the Alban Saga, or any of my other books, you can go to the BOB'S BOOKS tab at the top of this blog.
I hope you enjoy your Kindle copy of BLACK GROTTO: Book II of the Alban Saga, and after you read it, I would really appreciate it if you wrote a review on Goodreads, Amazon, or both.