Friday, October 10, 2014

THE CHOSEN: Writing Descriptions

I've finished the first three chapters and have edited and cleaned them up.  Also, I've spent time preparing the details that I'd like to see in chapter four and five. Below are the titles of the first three chapters and a possible title for chapter 4.
  • The Tower
  • The Reboot Ceremony
  • The Ship
  • Loon - possible title


When and how to write descriptions is always an important question. I love writing them, and I think that I'm beginning to learn when its best to use them and different ways that they can be approached. I like to visualize the scene in my mind and then describe it in a unique way.

From THE CHOSEN, I chose one description that I'll share with you. It describes a woman named Gwen who is in sleep mode on a light-speed ship. She is the only human on board. The description sets the mood and provides the visual backdrop for a portion of chapter 3.

"Months and months had passed. She was deeper than normal in her dream cycle, with small red, blue and yellow lights blinking on the console and her slow breath clouding the transparent cover of the sleep chamber. A cap covered her shaved head and was designed to keep her brain functioning optimally during stasis. She was clothed in a breathable skin-tight suit that maintained her body temperature at the correct level, pulsed to stimulate her muscles and carried the fluids and food into her bloodstream necessary for being inactive for such a long period of time. Her light brown eyebrows and lashes lay quietly on her pale, frosted skin. The only noticeable movement was her slow heartbeat bumping up against her chest – the only sound was her monitor, constantly checking and recording her life signs. Out...In…Out…In… Slow and steady. Her breath kept pace with her moderated heartbeat. Out…In…Out…In… Her life hung on a thread in the dark, ready to awake and start anew."

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