Wednesday, December 10, 2014

THE CHOSEN Update - Finished Chapters' 18 and 19

In the last three days, I've completed chapters' 18 and 19 of THE CHOSEN. All the bits and pieces of the book are coming together. I love getting to this point in a book - the point where you can see the end so clearly, but you can also visualize so many different ways to get there.

I'm also pleased with the chapter titles that are popping up. Even they seem to be building the suspense. I've listed below the chapter titles for the first 20 chapters. I'm not sure if the one I have for chapter 20 will stand. We'll see...
  1. The Tower
  2. The Reboot Ceremony
  3. The Ship
  4. Loon's Story
  5. The Favor
  6. The Club
  7. Reunion
  8. The Pulse-Signal
  9. Stealth
  10. M-78
  11. Data Mining
  12. Espionage
  13. Rage and Remembrance
  14. Recon
  15. The Circle
  16. Glide-Trains
  17. The Gathering Storm
  18. In the Dark
  19. The Razor's Edge
  20. The Insurgence

And...for fun, check out the new counter on the right side of my blog that shows the total Pageviews Since 11/22/2013 and the Popular Posts section that includes the posts that have had the most hits over the past 7 days. ----------------------------------->

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