Monday, January 15, 2018

New Quote From Chapter 12 of "M"

Below, I have included a recent quote from chapter 12 of my latest fantasy/science fiction/international intrigue novel"M".


Trembling from the numbing cold and hopeful that there were no longer any Russians nearby, Tristan fumbled with the small pack that he still had cradled to his chest and took out a flashlight. He forced his way up through the layers of snow above him as carefully and inobtrusively as he could, and broke free. Once through, he hesitated a moment before standing and scanned the area to make sure the Russians were gone. It seemed they were. He sighed, feeling some relief, and then glanced up at the clear, black sky overhead. It was covered in stars and on any other night would have left him in awe, but he had no time for that now. Once he was exposed to the elements, it was dramatically colder. He checked his watch. With the wind chill, it was about minus fifty degrees Celsius. He knew that he would have to find shelter again, and soon. He readjusted his coat and hood to help keep out the cold as long as possible, brushed away the ice crystals from his face, and clicked on the flashlight that he held in his hand.
    He was standing waste deep in snow, and before attempting to move to open ground, shined the light around him and was relieved to see movement nearby. Several of his friends were either just breaking out of the snow as he had or crawling on all fours onto the flat ground just beyond the perimeter of the collapsed snow cave.

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