It's been a mind numbing process, but I've sent out 80 agent queries for these two books in the last two days. You never know what will come of it, but I'm doing my best to see if someone will pick me up.
Last time I did this, I sent out about 30 and received three positive responses. I didn't get a contract, but my interaction with the agents was positive.
It's interesting how each agent has their own particular requirements for the queries. Some want a query letter with the first page of the book, or the first fifty pages, or ten. Some want a summary, while others want just the letter. It's important to read each agent's directions carefully and follow them as exactly as possible, but it gets a bit crazy sometimes.
I'm enjoying working as in independent author, but I'd like to see if I could break through to a larger audience. Getting an agent is usually part of that process.
I will continue looking for other agents this week and then hopefully start on my next novel after I've completed my search.
I've started re-reading Beatrice again. It needs to be freshly engrained in my mind so that I can continue the story from where it left off. I'm really looking forward to writing again, and I have some fun ideas bubbling up!