Saturday, July 25, 2020

ROOMS (The Rooms' Series, Book 1) - Free Kindle Book Offer on Amazon from August 1-5, 2020

Free Kindle eBook Giveaway

From August 1-5, 2020, you can get the latest Kindle version of my SCI-FI novel, ROOMS (The Rooms' Series, Book 1), FREE on Amazon and download it to your Kindle. It doesn't matter where you live in the world. If you have a stand-alone Kindle or a Kindle reader on your phone or computer, you can sign in to your Amazon account, purchase it for FREE, and it will be sent to whatever device you have.

If you don't have a kindle book reader on your phone or computer, simply Google "Kindle Reader App", and you can get one free.

To learn more about ROOMS (The Rooms' Series, Book 1) or any of my other books, you can go to the BOB'S BOOKS tab at the top of this blog.

I hope you enjoy your Kindle copy of ROOMS (The Rooms' Series, Book 1), and after you read it, I would really appreciate it if you wrote a review on your Goodreads account, Amazon account, or both.

Friday, July 24, 2020



I wanted to say thank you to everyone that participated in the Kindle eBook Giveaway on for my NEW adult FANTASY/SCI-FI novel, Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening.

I hope you enjoy your Kindle copy of Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening, and after you read it, I would really appreciate it if you could write a review on, or both.

If you weren't able to participate and would like to learn more about Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening or any of my other books, you can go to the BOB'S BOOKS tab at the top of this blog.

Thanks again!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

MERLIN & ARTHUR: THE AWAKENING - Free Kindle Book Offer on Amazon from July 18-22


From July 18-22, you can get the latest Kindle version of my NEW adult FANTASY/SCI-FI novel, Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening, FREE on and download it to your Kindle. It doesn't matter where you live in the world. If you have a stand-alone Kindle or a Kindle reader on your phone or computer, you can sign in to, purchase it for FREE, and it will be sent to whatever device you have.

If you don't have a kindle book reader on your phone or computer, simply Google "Kindle Reader App", and you can get one free.

To learn more about Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening or any of my other books, you can go to the BOB'S BOOKS tab at the top of this blog.

I hope you enjoy your Kindle copy of Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening, and after you read it, I would really appreciate it if you wrote a review on, or both.