Friday, November 22, 2013

Published Young Adult Fantasy Novelette: WHEATGRASS

My first post will be about the first work that I've published titled Wheatgrass.  It's for kids between grades 5-8 and for anyone that loves fantasy or anything Irish.

I actually began working on Wheatgrass several years ago.  I wrote it for a friend of mine.  I loved writing it because it has all the traditional characteristics of a fantasy, and it takes place in one of my favorite places in the world - Ireland!  It's about 11,000 words, which is the length of a novelette.  Here is the blurb at the beginning of the story:

"This story takes place in eastern, old Ireland and across the Irish Sea in Wales.  It is a fanciful tale about Eire and her incredible seabird, Wheatgrass.  It’s a story that has a castle, a village named Blackwater and a very dangerous wizard named Dalbhach and his raven, Rocas.  It has happiness and sadness, and fear, and hope and love, and the challenge of living life as you wish..."

If you're interested in reading it, just click on the picture of the book cover on the right side of my blog.  It's available in printed or Kindle version.  If you don't have a Kindle, you can go to the Kindle version and then click on the Free Kindle Reading App on that page, download the app to your computer, smartphone, or tablet, buy the Kindle version, and it will show up on your app on whatever device you have.

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