Thursday, May 28, 2020

Working on Book III of the Alban Saga: THE VORTEX

"Vortex bw" by ahisgett is licensed under CC by 2.0

Time to get back to work on Book III of the Alban Saga. For now, its working title is The Vortex.

I'm still promoting my new book, Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening, but it was time to revisit the third and final book of the Alban Saga. I began writing it while I was recently in Scotland. It's taken a lot of thought to put the plot together, but I think I have it now and want to move forward. The day before yesterday, I completed the second chapter, and once I do a bit more editing, I'll include a short excerpt for you to read in a blog entry.

I'm really looking forward to completing this fantasy trilogy. The first two books were Beatrice and Black Grotto, and many of the same characters, as well as some new ones, will be included in The Vortex . The final book of the saga will sadly bring a story that I've loved writing to a close, but it will also give me a chance to work with some of my favorite characters again and weave an ending to the trilogy that should be exciting to read!

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Finished Sending Out Agent Queries!

Cover Image
By Vladimir Yu. Arkhipov, Arkhivov - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Now Available In Kindle eBook & Paperback On All Amazon Sites Around The World!

I've completed sending out queries to 50 agents for my new book, Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening.

It was a lot of work. Every agent seemed to have slightly different requirements, but I was able to do it all digitally, which helped.

It will be awhile before I hear from them. Most of them said it could be 4-6 weeks.

Once that was done, I went back through the new book one more time and updated it on all the Amazon sites around the globe.

Also, because of the coronavirus, Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening was only available in Kindle eBook format and paperback on until recently. Now you can get it in either format on any Amazon site! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


May 12th - May 18th

Cover Image
By Vladimir Yu. Arkhipov, Arkhivov - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
You can get my new book at lower price for your Kindle for a limited time on!

The special Kindle eBook Countdown Deal for my new book begins Tuesday, May 12th at 8:00 PM, Pacific Daylight Time, and ends Monday, May 18th at 8:00 PM, PDT.

For the first 48 hours of the Countdown Deal, the price will be $0.99 per download of the book. The second 48 hours, it will be $1.99 per download, and the next 48 hours it will be $2.99. The final 24 hours it will go back to its original price of $3.99 per download.

I apologize that this offer is only good on

Below, I've included the blurb from the back cover of the book!


In the future, Arthur Pendragon and Merlin Ambrosius are brought back to life, but neither of them have any recollection of who they are or where they came from. Once they finally discover each other and their memories return, the reason for their awakening becomes clear.

An international event has occurred in the Koryak Mountains in Siberia, and that event has reignited earth’s old magic, revived the two legendary heroes, and set off a chain of events that not only threatens Britain but the very future of all life on earth.

It will take all of Merlin and Arthur's skill and cunning, along with those of a large cast of characters within the mighty Western Alliance, to have any chance of stopping what has been set loose upon the world.

Follow the twists and turns of this epic tale, and it will take you to places, scenes, and events beyond imagining.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Checking Out Some Agents

Cover Image
By Vladimir Yu. Arkhipov, Arkhivov - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

I promised when I started my blog that I would share what I'm doing to promote and publish my books. Of course, I'm already self-published on Amazon, but I've also worked on trying to find an agent who would help me get a publisher for my books. I've started working through that same process with Merlin & Arthur: The Awakening.

This last week I used a website that I've gone to in the past to find a good agent in the US. The site is agentquery.comIt's been extremely helpful. On the site, I use the Full Search link. Then I select the genre and select YES in the drop down menu for agents who accept email queries, are a member of AAR, and are actively seeking new clientsFrom the search, I found three pages of agents, of which I sent out 22 queries. Next week I'll be searching for agents in Europe through some other sites.

Every agent seems to want something a little different, but it's a good idea to have at least a couple items ready before beginning. Those are a query letter specific to the book and a 1-2 page synopsis. You'll also need to copy and paste a portion of your full manuscript. Most agents require anywhere from 5 pages, to 50 pages. None of them want the full manuscript to begin with.

In the past, I've received many different types of responses, ranging from stock answers saying that my work didn't fit their particular requirements at the moment to very personalized responses, providing feedback that was valuable. I obviously haven't been able to find an agent yet, but I'm always hopeful and am not going to give up. I've worked very hard to improve as a writer and storyteller. Plus, from the reviews I've received, I know that people that have read my work have enjoyed it.

Wish me luck, and I hope the information that I've included is helpful to other writers.